Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Torsion vs Extension Spring – What Are the Differences

Being a homeowner, you have possibly never researched the components of your garage door, but you have most probably heard of torsion or extension springs. These are 2 different kinds of springs that are used for powering your overhead door’s counterbalance system. The counterbalance systems employ forces to offset the weight of the door, letting it lift and lower the garage door in a safe manner. there are 2 main options torsion springs and extension springs.
So, what is the difference between torsion and extension springs? Let Titan Garage Doors explain in detail. 

Torsion Springs:                     
Torsion springs are perhaps the most popular & modern overhead door spring option available today. They come in different sizes & lengths that are calculated based on your garage door weight and height and track radius. They are the large coiled springs located on top of the garage door, and when they operate, they wind when lowering the garage door and unwind when lifting the garage door.
Advantages of torsion springs include:
  • Sturdier & long-lasting: While torsion springs are more expensive compared to their extension counterparts, they’re more durable & last 10,000-100,000 + cycles. 
  • Even lift- The torsion springs are installed on the torsion tube and turn the cable drums and cables. The torque released, providing an even force on both sides. Extension springs are individual which provide the lifting force on each side, meaning if one spring is worn out the pull on that side will be weaker!
  • Safer: when the overhead door springs break down, the torsion spring will unwinde and make a loud bang noise but will stay on the torsion shaft, while extension spring breaks down and snaps in half and will dislodge and might hit a family member or your belonging causing damage or injury 
Extension Springs:
extension springs are older kind, but they are still a common choice for many garage doors since they are not as expensive in comparison to torsion springs and are a perfect option for small garages with low headroom. They don’t take headroom space since they’re fitted on the sides of the door.
While deciding, extension springs are not recommended by professionals since they are rated at 10,000 cycles and lack the safety features that torsion springs provide. In spite of these cons, extension springs are usually safe when the safety cables are equipped, and they’re maintained properly. 
Whether your garage door utilizes extension or torsion spring, Titan Garage Doors is here to make sure your garage door is safe and functioning to the highest standard. We also do torsion or extension spring conversion as a part of our complete garage door solutions. Remember that springs are one of the most dangerous parts of any garage door, so don’t try to repair or replace them on your own. Always look for a professional garage door technician and stay safe.

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